Robin, along with her husband, founded, operated, and expanded Fleet Feet Roanoke over the course of 20 years. She spearheaded initiatives to drive revenue growth, positively impact individuals and the community, and make a meaningful difference. By identifying improvement and growth opportunities, Robin formulated successful business development strategies that positioned Fleet Feet Roanoke as a leader in the run specialty industry. Her ability to cultivate genuine business relationships, combined with her first-hand experience in commercial real estate and leasing, underscores her commitment to working with people, finding solutions, and engaging with the community.
As the founder and President of Project Forward, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization, Robin's mission was to provide new shoes to economically disadvantaged students and adults in the Roanoke Valley. Over 20 years with Fleet Feet Roanoke and seven years with Project Forward, Inc., $500,000 was raised, and $1,000,000 worth of new shoes were distributed to hundreds of nonprofit organizations in the Roanoke Valley and thousands of students in the Roanoke City Public Schools.
Robin graduated from Meredith College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and a minor in Business Administration. She worked as Vice President/City Executive in banking for 18 years in North Carolina, followed by three years as a Financial Representative with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. In 2003, Robin and her husband, Blaine, moved back to her hometown of Roanoke with their two daughters, Casey and Madison, to open Fleet Feet Roanoke. Their daughters are now grown, with Madison married, and the family shares a special bond with Roanoke as their hometown.